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Sen5es Amazing Customers
In our customer spotlight blogs we put the spotlight on some of our amazing customers. Check out some of the interviews below. If you want to be featured, get in touch today!
Customer Spotlight: ChilliChump
Learn all about our amazing customer ChilliChump. Who uses our glass sauce bottles to package their amazing range of hot sauces.
Customer Spotlight: Alda's Original
Alda's original is one of Sen5es amazing customers. They use Sen5es range of glass jars and bottles to package their sorrel based products
Customer Spotlight: Mack Chilli
Check out another happy customer in our customer spotlight blog. Mack Chilli create amazing hot sauces using our range of bottles.
Customer Spotlight: The Cole Men
In this months customer spotlight blog we speak to The Cole Men. A Manchester based hot sauce company who use our glass sauce bottles.
Portsmouth Chilli and Gin Festival with HaskHells Hot Sauce
In this blog we chat to Haskhells all about chilli and hot sauce bottles and their experience at Portsmouth Chilli and Gin Festival
Customer Spotlight: Heriot Hott
In this months customer spotlight we talk to Edinburgh based hot sauce company Heriot Hot. They use our 150ml sauce bottle for their sauces!
Customer Spotlight: Carnoustie Distillery
In this addition of our customer spotlight blog we learn all about craft distillers Carnoustie Distillery who use our glass bottles
Customer Spotlight: Balefire
Balefire is a small hot sauce business using speciality ingredients. Based in the North of England. Learn more about them in our blog!
Customer Spotlight: Hogg Norton Fruit Liqueurs
In this customer spotlight we talk to Hogg Norton Fruit Liqueurs all about different flavours, glass bottles and so much more!
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