In this very special blog we teach you how to make Paul's very own hot sauce.
In case you didn't know Paul is our marketing manager and social media guru. Chances are if you have interacted with us on social media it's been Paul you've been speaking to! You can find out more about him in our meet the team section!
He's teamed up with Steve over at The Lazy Scientist to come up with this very special recipe. Steve has been kind enough to help him in making his first ever hot sauce.

Have you ever wanted to make your very own hot sauce? Or maybe start your own hot sauce company? In this recipe I will give you the building blocks on how to do just that.
This is a very basic recipe and it can be altered and adapted to suit your tastes and style.
For my very own hot sauce. What better bottle to use than our 150ml Worcester Sauce Bottle. Also known as the 150ml woozy. Or even just the glass hot sauce bottle to use!

First of all. Be Careful when working with Chilli Peppers!
Cooking is all about having fun, experimenting and getting to taste yummy food. But it's always best to stay safe at the same time.
The chillies I used aren't super spicy (as I don't like things too hot). But it's better to be safe than sorry. So I wore gloves when handling them.
Chilli peppers can be dangerous when you are handling them. So take some steps to keep safe.
Wear gloves while handling and cutting.
Wash your hand thoroughly after you are finished.
Work in a well ventilated area.
Ensure all your equipment is thoroughly cleaned when finished with.

4 dried Chipotle chillies (about 25g)
500ml water
100ml cider vinegar
1 Onion
6 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 large saucepan
Spoon for stiring
Chopping board and sharp knife
Funnel big enough for your bottles
150ml Worcester Sauce Bottles and lids. Sterilised and ready to go.
Chop the chilli peppers, onion and garlic in to rough chunks. Be sure to wear your gloves, as mentioned earlier.
In your saucepan add all your ingredients and bring to the boil
Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes
Pour the mixture in to a blender and blend until the mixture is really smooth
Use your funnel to transfer your mixture to your bottles. This size mixture is perfect for around 3 of our 150ml hot sauce bottles
Bottling your Hot Sauce
We recommend using our 150ml glass hot sauce bottle. These are the most popular bottles for hot sauce.
Sterilise your bottles and bottle caps. We've written a whole blog about sterilisation which can be found here.
Use a funnel and ladle to fill your bottles with your freshly made hot sauce.
Seal up the bottles with the provided 24mm Caps. Don't forget we have a few options to chose from.
Let the bottles cool and place in the fridge.
Take nice pictures of your finished creation!
Note. This recipe should last around 90 days if kept in the fridge.

What did you think of Paul's very own Smokey Hot Sauce? Would you like to try some?
A big thank you to Steve over at The Lazy Scientist who really helped with this recipe. He has a huge knowledge of everything to do with hot sauces and fermenting. He's previously written a kimchi recipe for us and we even did a customer spotlight on him and his business.
At Sen5es we love to work with our customers to create awesome things. If you have a project you would like to work with us on please get in touch!
Don't forget to give us a like and follow on both Facebook and Instagram. And keep up to date with all the latest news and blogs.
Do you want to start making your own hot sauce? Or maybe you need empty glass bottles for another project. Make sure you check out our online store to see our full range of glass bottles and glass jars!
All the best
The Team at Sen5es
