Christmas is just around the corner. And that means it's finally acceptable to have some mince pies! And when it comes to mince pies. Nothing tastes better than the fresh, home made variety straight from the oven.
To make your own mince pies you will need your own mincemeat to use as your filling! Mincemeat needs to mature in your glass jars before using it. You should leave it for a few months or even up to a year. But you can get away with leaving it for 2-3 weeks if you have left it a little late!
In this recipe blog we will teach you how to make delicious mincemeat to store in some fabulous glass jars. We will also give a quick recipe at the end on how to make your own mince pies! So don't forget to read all the way to the end!
For this recipe we recommend using our 190ml Round Jar. You will need around 12 for this recipe! So you can make some to use this Christmas. Some for next Christmas. And maybe give a couple of jars to friends or family!
How To Make Mincemeat
450g Bramley apples. Peeled, cored and roughly chopped
50g almonds, roughly chopped
4 tsp mixed ground spice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
200ml brandy
225g Shredded Suet (or a vegetarian alternative)
350g Raisins
225g Sultanas
225g Currants
225g whole mixed candied peel, chopped
350g soft dark brown sugar
Zest and juice of 2 oranges
Zest and juice of 2 lemons
12 x 190ml Round Jar
Large mixing bowl and wooden spoon
Combine all of your ingredients (except for the brandy) in a large mixing bowl. Making sure all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a cool place overnight. This allows the flavours to mix together and mature a little.
Pre-heat your oven to 120C
Cover your bowl loosely with tin foil and cook in the oven for 3 hours.
As the mixture cools give it a stir from time to time. Allowing the fat to encase all the other ingredients.
When the mixture is cold stir in the brandy.
Pack in to sterilised glass jars and seal.
Store in a cool dark cupboard until needed. This should last up to a year.
How To Make Mince Pies
2 Jar of the above mincemeat.
400g plain flour
200g unsalted butter, softened
100g caster sugar, plus a little extra for sprinkling
2 egg yolks
1 egg
Large mixing bowl
Rolling pin
10cm round cutter
7cm round cutter
Muffin baking tray
Put your flour and softened butter in a bowl and rub together until you get a crumb consistency.
Add the caster sugar and the egg yolks and mix together.
add a splash of cold water to make a stiff pastry
Wrap the pastry in cling film and place in the fridge for 10 minutes.
Heat your oven to 200C
Roll out your pastry until it's roughly 3mm thick
Use your 10cm cutter to cut around 16 bases. Or as many as you need to fill your muffin tray
Fill each base with 1.5 tbsp of your lovely mincemeat mixture and brush the edge of each with a little beaten egg.
Roll out your remaining pasty and use your 7cm cutter to cut enough lids for your pies. Press them on to your pie to seal and glaze them with the beaten egg.
Bake the mince pies in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Leave to cool and lightly dust with a little icing sugar.
Best served slightly warm with some brandy cream.
Are you feeling Christmassy yet? We definitely are! And we can't wait to tuck in to our first mince pie of the year! Will you be making your own mincemeat and mince pies this year? If you do, let us know what they are like in the comments below!
Don't forget you can keep up to date with all the latest news at Sen5es by following us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also tag us in your product shots to show off how you use our amazing glass jars!
All the best
The team at Sen5es